Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Plan 30/60
Plan at least 30 minutes of your workday for Career development and at least one hour long session per week for a video or webinars.You can make the areas diverse in topics, such as fix it's, budget creation, revenue management,social media, how to improve your presentation skills or Food safety.The areas can be diverse as your needs and imagination.

Some tips

  1. Daily development could be in the form of reading an article, watching a you tube instructional video or book chapter
  2. Log it- record in some fashion what you learned in the form of notes that you can refer to later that will connect you back to the article and the key points. You can also use those notes to create presentations and notes for articles in the future. that log can then be converted into a realistic and valid proof for tracking your training and resume worthy content
  3. Plan the time at the same time every day and week to establish a routine. first thing before the day gets ahead of you is preferable so any valuable learned points can be tried in the real lab of your workday rather than learning something at the end of your day
  4. Find Audio books to listen to, coming to work, on your lunch drive and on the way home
  5. Just like taxes that come out before you receive your paycheck, your daily and weekly career development should happen regardless of daily emergencies.You may find those emergencies go away or lessen significantly if you don't let them interrupt your progression.
  6. Encourage this in others even if you have to cover for them while they participate in their own development.
  7. Share web sites,books/articles and tips with others and keep a list of  names, what they learned with links to the sources for others to use.

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