Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Prezi- Hit the Auto play

The Ten Training Commitments

1.Training begins before the applicant arrives
2.Training opportunities are all around
3.Training never ends
4.Training occurs everyday
5.I will Train others
6.I will Train myself
7.I will schedule Training time for others.
8.I will schedule Training time for myself
9.Document and plan your training
10. Training IS part of the job

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Resources #1

Part 1

i wanted to list some free web based resources for ongoing web based  presentations

Iappa-  International Asoociation of Amusement Parks and Attractions

IAAPA - Create a free account

sign up with individual membership and find the E learn section for free Amusement industry webinars that pertain to many industries.

this will be the first of many.........................

post your secret free training sites below in the comments

What Happens if They stay?

True Story (based on a real myth)

The owners wife asked me what all these employees were doing sitting down watching a  video.
"We are training them, we do this every month", I answered.

"What happens when we do all this training and they leave anyway" , she replied, obviously not liking my answer, thinking only payroll dollars.

Bravely but politely I answered, " I think the question we should ask is, What happens if we DON'T do all this training and they STAY?"